Crema muzicii internationale s-a adunat in noapte din 26 ianuarie spre 27 ianuarie intr-un singur loc: Los Angeles, Staplesc Center. Cea de-a 56-a editie a premiilor Grammy Awards si-a desemnat castigatorii si a avut parte de show-uri de neuitat.
Cu cinci trofee obtinute francezii de la Daft Punk conduc topul castigatorilor de la Grammy Awards 2014. Duo-ul a castigat inclusiv trofeele de la mult ravnitele categorii Album of the Year pentru ”Random Access Memories” si Record of the Year pentru hitul ”Get Lucky”. Cei doi au urcat si pe scena evenimentului pentru a incanta audienta cu un show live, membrilor Daft Punk alaturandu-se colaboratorii Pharrell Williams si Nile Rodgers, dar si legendarul Stevie Wonder.
Pe locul doi, cu patru trofee, vine tare din urma duo-ul Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, cei doi castigand inclusiv la categoriile Best New Artist si Best Rap Album pentru ”The Heist”. Trei trofee au ajuns si la Justin Timberlake, artistul american castigand inclusiv la categorie Best Music Video pentru ”Suit & Tie”.
Marele nominalizat al serii cu nu mai putin de noua nominalizari, rapperul Jay-Z a plecat acasa doar cu doua trofee, acestea fiind obtinute gratie colaborarii cu Justin Timberlake pentru piesa ”Holy Grail”. Senzatia din Noua Zeelanda, Lorde, a obtinut doua trofee, inclusiv la mult ravnita categorie Song of the Year pentru hitul ”Royals”.
Cu cate un trofeu au plecat acasa si Bruno Mars, Rihanna, Zedd, Alicia Keys, Imagine Dragons si Michael Buble in timp ce Pharrell Williams, in afara de trofeele obtinute alaturi de Daft Punk, si-a adaugat in palmares si un trofeu pentru Producer of the Year Non-Classical. Marele perdant al serii a fost rapperul Kendrick Lamar care, desi a fost nominalizat la sapte categorii, nu a castigat niciun trofeu.
In ceea ce priveste show-urile live, seara a fost deschisa de frumoasa Beyonce si sotul sau, rapperul Jay-Z, cei doi interpretand live hitul ”Drunk In Love” inclus pe recentul album al divei, ”Beyonce”. Prestatia live a fost completata de numeroase jocuri de lumini si miscarile sexy de dans ale artistei.
Momentul serii, care cu siguranta va fi comentat si intors pe toate partile in perioada urmatoare cu sanse sa starneasca si cateva controverse, a fost prestatia live a duo-ului Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. Cei doi au interpretat, alaturi de colaboratoarea Mary Lambert, hitul ”Same Love”, imnul care sustine drepturile homosexualilor.
Spre finalul prestatiei pe scena si-a facut aparitia nimeni alta decat Madonna care a interpretat un fragment din hitul ”Open Your Heart”, in acelasi timp actrita Queen Latifah a oficiat casatoria a 34 de cupluri, inclusiv a catorva cupluri gay. Prestatia a fost aplaudata in picioare de audienta din Staples Center si se pare ca superstarul country Keith Urban a fost atat de emotionat de acest moment incat i-au dat lacrimile.
Imagine Dragons si Kendrick Lamar, Pink si Nate Ruess, Lorde, Katy Perry si Juicy J, Taylor Swift, John Legend si Robin Thicke sunt cativa dintre artistii care au mai urcat pe scena evenimentului si au oferit show-uri de neuitat.
Lista completa a castigatorilor, precum si show-urile live si fotografiile de pe covorul le puteti vedea mai jos!
Record of the Year: ”Get Lucky” by Daft Punk featuring Pharrell & Niles RodgersAlbum of the Year: ”Random Access Memories” by Daft PunkSong of the Year: ”Royals” by LordeBest New Artist: Macklemore & Ryan LewisBest Pop Solo Performance: ”Royals” by LordeBest Pop Duo/Group Performance: ”Get Lucky” by Daft PunkBest Pop Instrumental Album: ”Steppin’ Out” by Herb AlpertBest Pop Vocal Album: ”Unorthodox Jukebox” by Bruno MarsBest Dance Recording: ”Clarity” by Zedd featuring FoxesBest Dance/Electronica Album: ”Random Access Memories” by Daft PunkBest Traditional Pop Vocal Album: ”To Be Loved” by Michael BubleBest Rock Performance: ”Radioactive” by Imagine DragonsBest Metal Performance: ”God Is Dead?” by Black SabbathBest Rock Song: ”Cut Me Some Slack” by Paul McCartneyBest Rock Album: ”Celebration Day” by Led ZeppelinBest Alternative Music Album: ”Modern Vampires of the City” by Vampire WeekendBest R&B Performance: ”Something” by Snarky Puppy with Lalah HathawayBest Traditional R&B Performance: ”Please Come Home” by Gary Clark, Jr.Best R&B Song: ”Pusher Love Girl” by Justin TimberlakeBest Urban Contemporary Album: ”Unapologetic” by RihannaBest R&B Album: ”Girl On Fire” by Alicia KeysBest Rap Performance: ”Thrift Shop” by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring WanzBest Rap/Sung Collaboration: ”Holy Grail” by JAY Z featuring Justin TimberlakeBest Rap Song: ”Thrift Shop” by Macklemore & Ryan LewisBest Rap Album: ”The Heist” by Macklemore & Ryan LewisBest Country Solo Performance: ”Wagon Wheel” by Darius RuckerBest Country Duo/Group Performance: ”From This Valley” by The Civil WarsBest Country Song: ”Merry Go ‘Round” by Kacey MusgravesBest Country Album: ”Same Trailer Different Park” by Kacey MusgravesBest New Age Album: ”Love’s River” by Laura SullivanBest Improvised Jazz Solo: ”Orbits” by Wayne ShorterBest Jazz Album: ”Liquid Spirit” by Gregory PorterBest Jazz Instrumental Album: ”Money Jungle: Provocative In Blue” by Terri Lyne CarringtonBest Jazz Ensemble Album: ”Night In Calisia” by Randy Brecker, Wlodek Pawlik Trio & Kalisz PhilharmonicBest Latin Jazz Album: ”Song for Maura” by Paquito D’Rivera and Trio CorrenteBest Gospel/Contemporary Christian Music Performance: ”Break Every Chain” (Live) by Tasha CobbsBest Gospel Song: ”If He Did It Before… Same God” (Live) by Tye TribbettBest Contemporary Christian Music Song: ”Overcome” by MandisaBest Gospel Album: ”Greater Than” (Live) by Tye TribbettBest Contemporary Christian Music Album: ”Overcome” by MandisaBest Latin Pop Album: ”Vida” by Draco RosaBest Latin Rock Urban or Alternative Album: ”Treinta Dias” by La Santa CeciliaBest Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano): ”A Mi Manera” by Mariachi Divas De Cindy SheaBest Tropical Latin Album: ”Pacific Mambo Orchestra” by Pacific Mambo OrchestraBest American Roots Song: ”Love Has Come For You” by Steve Martin & Edie BrickellBest Americana Album: ”Old Yellow Moon” by Emmylou Harris & Rodney CrowellBest Bluegrass Album: ”The Streets Of Baltimore” by Del McCoury BandBest Blues Album: ”Get Up!” by Ben Harper With Charlie MusselwhiteBest Folk Album: ”My Favorite Picture of You” by Guy ClarkBest Regional Roots Music Album: ”Dockside Sessions” by Terrance Simien & The Zydeco ExperienceBest Reggae Album: ”Ziggy Marley In Concert” by Ziggy MarleyBest World Music Album: ”Savor Flamenco” by Gipsy Kings / ”Live: Singing for Peace Around the World” by Ladysmith Black MambazoBest Children’s Album: ”Throw a Penny In the Wishing Well” by Jennifer GasoiBest Spoken Word Album: ”America Again: Re-becoming The Greatness We Never Weren’t” by Stephen ColbertBest Comedy Album: ”Calm Down Gurrl” by Kathy GriffinBest Musical Theater Album: ”Kinky Boots”Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media: ”Sound City: Real to Reel” by Dave Grohl & Various ArtistsBest Score Soundtrack for Visual Media: ”Skyfall”Best Song Written for Visual Media: ”Skyfall” by ADELEBest Instrumental Composition: ”Pensamientos For Solo Alto Saxophone And Chamber Orchestra” by The Clare Fischer OrchestraBest Instrumental Arrangement: ”On Green Dolphin Street” by Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat BandBest Instrumental Arrangement Accompanying Vocalist(s): ”Swing Low” by Bobby McFerrin & Esperanza SpaldingBest Recording Package: ”Long Night Moon” by Reckless KellyBest Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package: Wings Over America (Deluxe Edition) by Paul McCartney and WingsBest Album Notes: ”Afro Blue Impressions” (Remastered & Expanded) by John ColtraneBest Historical Album: ”Charlie Is My Darling Ireland 1965” by The Rolling Stones / ”The Complete Sussex And Columbia Albums” by Bill WithersBest Engineered Album, Non-Classical: ”Random Access Memories” by Daft PunkProducer of the Year, Non-Classical: Pharrell WilliamsBest Remixed Recording, Non-Classical: ”Summertime Sadness” (Cedric Gervais Remix) by Lana Del ReyBest Surround Sound Album: ”Live Kisses” by Paul McCartneyBest Engineered Album, Classical: ”Winter Morning Walks” by Dawn Upshaw, Maria Schneider, Australian Chamber Orchestra & Saint Paul Chamber OrchestraProducer of the Year, Classical: David FrostBest Orchestral Performance: ”Sibelius: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 4”Best Opera Recording: ”Ades: The Tempest”Best Choral Performance: ”Part: Adam’s Lament”Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance: ”Roomful of Teeth” by Brad Wells & Roomful of TeethBest Classical Instrumental Solo: ”Corigliano: Conjurer – Concerto for Percussionist & String Orchestra” by Evelyn Glennie & David Alan MillerBest Classical Vocal Solo: ”Winter Morning Walks” by Dawn UpshawBest Classical Compendium: ”Hindemith: Violinkonzert; Symphonic Metamorphosis; Konzertmusik” by Christoph EschenbachBest Classical Contemporary Composition: ”Winter Morning Walks” by Maria SchneiderBest Music Video: ”Suit & Tie” by Justin Timberlake & JAY ZBest Music Film: ”Live Kisses” by Paul McCartneyMusicCares Person of the Year: Carole KingLifetime Achievement Award: The BeatlesTrustees Awards: Rick Hall, Jim Marshall & Ennio MorriconeMusic Educator Award: Kent Knappenberger.